Staff NCO Creed for US Marines
We all need roadmaps for life. We all need goals. Those unfortunate souls who don’t know what is expected of them can rarely accomplish anything of significance, and they can never be a team player.
In the Marine Corps each Marine — regardless of rank, in war or in time of peace — has goals and responsibilities. Goals change from time to time and from situation to situation. But, the elementary and constant responsibility of each Staff NCO is outlined in the Staff NCO Creed:
USMC Staff NCO Creed:
I am a Staff Noncommissioned Officer in the United States Marine Corps. As such, I am a member of the most unique group of professional military practitioners in the world. I am bound by duty to God, Country, and my fellow Marines to execute the demands of my position to and beyond what I believe to be the limits of my capabilities.
I realize I am the mainstay of Marine Corps discipline, and I carry myself with military grace, unbowed by the weight of command, unflinching in the execution lawful orders, and unswerving in my dedication to the most complete success of my assigned mission.
Both my professional and personal demeanor shall be such that I may take pride if my juniors emulate me, and knowing perfection to lie beyond the grasp of any mortal hand, I shall yet strive to attain perfection that I may ever be aware of my needs and capabilities to improve myself. I shall be fair in my personal relations, just in the enforcement of discipline, true to myself and my fellow Marines, and equitable in my dealing with every man.